I am a product developer who is passionate about people and the world. I love to listen, imagine, envision, model, tinker and test.  I work well in multi-disciplinary teams where design, technical, and business perspectives are represented; I communicate well across disciplines and outwards towards clients. I can also manage team logistics and do what's needed to keep projects moving forward. 

I am seeking to do work that has a positive impact in the lives of others and engages my talents. My training includes a traditional engineering education along with coursework in design thinking, strategy, and user research. My experiences range from work in American steel mills to villages in Tanzania. 

I hope to do work that is transformative and creates deep impact whether on a company, a community or the world. 

Featured Projects

Satellite Shelter

A collapsible low cost shelter for homeless individuals.

Anza Cart

A cart that creating new income streams for farmers in rural Tanzania.

ID Aware

A product to help seniors keep their identity and finances secure. 


Alex the Plane

An app to make the air travel into a fun game.